There are 4 main ways to find a Maths Methods tutor
This was originally written regarding VCE Maths Methods Tutors (in Victoria) but is applicable for every state in Australia (Including TCE Maths Methods Tutors, WACE Maths Methods Tutors, SACE Maths Methods Tutors and TCE Maths Methods Tutors).
The best option
This is probably the ideal way to find a tutor because you will get recommendations usually from a person that you trust and has worked with the person before.
However, just because someone is a good tutor with one student doesn’t mean they are right for you, so check out the article on “How to know who is the right Maths Methods Tutor for you.”
Ask students, teachers and friends for recommendations.
Free Tutor Listings
Cheapest option
This is where the listing for tutors is free or they pay a small free to put their details on it.
You can find thousands of affordable tutors, however, sometimes these sites are outdated and often the quality and reliability of the tutors is variable.
If you’re willing to spend time going through a lot of names, it could save you a lot of money and you could also find someone is a perfect fit
Tutor Listings
Middle cost option
This is halfway between a Free Tutor Listing and a Tutoring Agency. Tutors sign up to the website which take a 20-30% commission of all classes for referring students.
This is more expensive that a Free Tutoring Listing, as tutors need to charge more to get the same amount of money.
However, you generally have more support from the website for finding the right tutor and replacing them if you need someone else.
Check the reviews
This is for Professional Tutors or Tutoring Agencies. Check the reviews to get an idea of quality of the tutors.
Tutoring agencies tend to be more expensive as they take a commission, but they will usually be willing to help you find the right tutor if the first one wasn’t a good fit.
Not all tutoring agencies are high quality so check the reviews on multiple sites, not just Google to get a better idea.
NEXT! Make sure you know how to determine if the tutor is right for you!